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Bio Degradable Bottle



At Starckgate, the result of patented technologies in the field of processing sugar extraction from sugar cane and plant combinations.


The bottle is a new formulation with mechanical properties and barriers superior to all plant-based formulations.


Biodegradable and compostable this bioplastic has been designed and developed to provide solutions to serious environmental problems related to the pollution of petrochemical plastics.


Bioplastics are materials with properties similar to those of traditional plastics, while being of plant origin, biodegradable and, in some cases, compostable.​



The advantages of sugar cane


A material 100% vegetable A crop that does not require tons of water and does not intrude on farmland A simple manufacturing process with an excellent environmental result.

Thanks to its features, this is the latest generation of optimized bottles that reduces the impact on the environment with significant benefits throughout the production-consumption-disposal cycle.

made with raw materials biodegradable and compostable according to EN13432.

This product is certified in food contact and we have the necessary migration tests which is a mandatory documentation for our customers.



1. Biodegradable

The bottle can biodegrade within 90 days, in accordance with the DIN13432 standard.

The packaging needs a favourable environment with heat (ideally 55-60°C), mould and bacteria in order to biodegrade. This can also happen slowly in nature – we estimate that it may take around 5 years, depending on the environmental conditions. In contrast, a PET bottle takes several decades.


2. Biodegrading in an unfavourable environment

As explained in point 1, the bottle cannot biodegrade without a favourable environment. In a natural environment, it may occur over several years.


3. Bottle end of life

Biocomposites can be recycled mechanically, chemically or by remoulding. They are normally sorted in the plastic recycling bin.


4. How much CO2 can I save with PLA bottles?

Depending on the application, CO2 emissions can be reduced by 20% to 65%. Actual CO2 savings include those from material production, raw material processing, transport, use and destruction.


5. Instructions for use

Do not expose the packaging to temperatures over 60°C as the material will slowly start to lose its shape. Do not fill with hot liquids.


6. GM-free

As this material has been processed and polymerised, it is inert and no longer contains any GM maize genes or presents the risk of GM maize in its natural state.

The material contains no genetically modified organisms that could contaminate the environment or alter other living organisms, meaning there is no risk of spreading GM organisms when the product biodegrades or composts.

Europa StarckGate
The UN Sustainable Development Goals

Ketelstraat 9A , 3560 Lummen, Limburg, Belgium
Europa TEL (0032) 470727185   |   US and Canada TEL (001) 33936
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